Package: wsyn 1.0.4
wsyn: Wavelet Approaches to Studies of Synchrony in Ecology and Other Fields
Tools for a wavelet-based approach to analyzing spatial synchrony, principally in ecological data. Some tools will be useful for studying community synchrony. See, for instance, Sheppard et al (2016) <doi:10.1038/NCLIMATE2991>, Sheppard et al (2017) <doi:10.1051/epjnbp/2017000>, Sheppard et al (2019) <doi:10.1371/journal.pcbi.1006744>.
wsyn.pdf |wsyn.html✨
wsyn/json (API)
# Install 'wsyn' in R: |
install.packages('wsyn', repos = c('', '')) |
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Readme and manuals
Help Manual
Help page | Topics |
Adds rank information to a 'coh' or 'wlmtest' object | addranks |
Adds wavelet mean field information to a 'clust' object | addwmfs |
Adds wavelet phasor mean field information to a 'clust' object | addwpmfs |
Aggregate significance across a timescale band | bandtest bandtest.coh bandtest.default bandtest.wlmtest |
The one-parameter family of Box-Cox transformations | bctrans |
Clean (spatio)temporal data matrices to make them ready for analyses using the 'wsyn' package | cleandat |
Community structure detection in networks | cluseigen |
Detection and description of clusters of synchronous locations | clust |
Basic methods for the 'clust' class | clust_methods get_adj.clust get_clusters.clust get_coords.clust get_dat.clust get_methodspec.clust get_mns.clust get_modres.clust get_times.clust get_wmfs.clust get_wpmfs.clust print.clust set_adj.clust set_clusters.clust set_coords.clust set_dat.clust set_methodspecs.clust set_mns.clust set_modres.clust set_times.clust set_wmfs.clust set_wpmfs.clust summary.clust |
Coherence | coh |
Basic methods for the 'coh' class | coh_methods get_bandp.coh get_coher.coh get_dat1.coh get_dat2.coh get_norm.coh get_ranks.coh get_sigmethod.coh get_signif.coh get_times.coh get_timescales.coh get_wtopt.coh print.coh set_bandp.coh set_coher.coh set_dat1.coh set_dat2.coh set_norm.coh set_ranks.coh set_sigmethod.coh set_signif.coh set_times.coh set_timescales.coh set_wtopt.coh summary.coh |
Error check for appropriate spatio-temporal data | errcheck_stdat |
Error check 'times' | errcheck_times |
Error check for appropriate temporal data | errcheck_tsdat |
Error check whether inputs are suitable for a tts object | errcheck_tts |
Error check wavelet transform parameters | errcheck_wavparam |
Fast algorithm for significance testing coherence using Fourier surrogates | fastcohtest |
Surrogate time series using Fourier surrogates | fftsurrog |
Tests if a graph is connected | is.connected |
For converting certain synchrony matrices to unweighted versions | makeunweighted |
Mean phase of coherence | mnphase |
Modularity of a community structure of a graph | modularity |
Normalization for the 'coh' function | normforcoh |
For plotting the magnitude of values in 'tts', 'coh' and 'wlmtest' objects | plotmag plotmag.coh plotmag.default plotmag.tts plotmag.wlmtest plotmag.wmf plotmag.wpmf plotmag.wt |
Map clusters from a 'clust' object | plotmap |
For plotting the phases of values in 'tts' and 'coh' objects | plotphase plotphase.coh plotphase.default plotphase.tts plotphase.wmf plotphase.wpmf plotphase.wt |
Plots 'ranks' slot for 'coh' and 'wlmtest' objects | plotrank plotrank.coh plotrank.default plotrank.wlmtest |
Power of a 'tts' object | power power.tts |
Predicted synchrony of a wavelet linear model | predsync predsync.wlm |
Print method for 'summary_wsyn' class | print.summary_wsyn |
Set and get methods for classes in the 'wsyn' package | get_adj get_adj.default get_bandp get_bandp.default get_clusters get_clusters.default get_coefs get_coefs.default get_coher get_coher.default get_coords get_coords.default get_dat get_dat.default get_dat1 get_dat1.default get_dat2 get_dat2.default get_drop get_drop.default get_methodspec get_methodspec.default get_mns get_mns.default get_modres get_modres.default get_modval get_modval.default get_norm get_norm.default get_ranks get_ranks.default get_sigmethod get_sigmethod.default get_signif get_signif.default get_times get_times.default get_timescales get_timescales.default get_values get_values.default get_wlmobj get_wlmobj.default get_wmfs get_wmfs.default get_wpmfs get_wpmfs.default get_wtopt get_wtopt.default get_wts get_wts.default setget_methods set_adj set_adj.default set_bandp set_bandp.default set_clusters set_clusters.default set_coefs set_coefs.default set_coher set_coher.default set_coords set_coords.default set_dat set_dat.default set_dat1 set_dat1.default set_dat2 set_dat2.default set_drop set_drop.default set_methodspecs set_methodspecs.default set_mns set_mns.default set_modres set_modres.default set_modval set_modval.default set_norm set_norm.default set_ranks set_ranks.default set_sigmethod set_sigmethod.default set_signif set_signif.default set_times set_times.default set_timescales set_timescales.default set_values set_values.default set_wlmobj set_wlmobj.default set_wmfs set_wmfs.default set_wpmfs set_wpmfs.default set_wtopt set_wtopt.default set_wts set_wts.default |
Shifts a vector according to the argument mints | setmints |
Creates surrogate time series, either Fourier surrogates or amplitude adjusted Fourier surrogates | surrog |
Amount of synchrony explained, and related quantities | syncexpl syncexpl.wlm |
Synchrony matrices | synmat |
Creator function for the 'tts' class | tts |
Basic methods for the 'tts' class | get_times.tts get_timescales.tts get_values.tts print.tts set_times.tts set_timescales.tts set_values.tts summary.tts tts_methods |
Creates an array of wavelet transforms from input timeseries | warray |
Facilitates the computations in synmat for coherence and ReXWT methods | wavmatwork |
Wavelet linear models | wlm |
Basic methods for the 'wlm' class | get_coefs.wlm get_coher.wlm get_dat.wlm get_modval.wlm get_norm.wlm get_times.wlm get_timescales.wlm get_wtopt.wlm get_wts.wlm print.wlm set_coefs.wlm set_coher.wlm set_dat.wlm set_modval.wlm set_norm.wlm set_times.wlm set_timescales.wlm set_wtopt.wlm set_wts.wlm summary.wlm wlm_methods |
Fits a wavelet linear model | wlmfit |
Statistical comparison of wavelet linear models | wlmtest |
Basic methods for the 'wlmtest' class | get_bandp.wlmtest get_drop.wlmtest get_ranks.wlmtest get_signif.wlmtest get_wlmobj.wlmtest print.wlmtest set_bandp.wlmtest set_drop.wlmtest set_ranks.wlmtest set_signif.wlmtest set_wlmobj.wlmtest summary.wlmtest wlmtest_methods |
Computes the wavelet mean field from a matrix of spatiotemporal data. Also the creator function for the 'wmf' class. | wmf |
Basic methods for the 'wmf' class | get_dat.wmf get_times.wmf get_timescales.wmf get_values.wmf get_wtopt.wmf print.wmf set_dat.wmf set_times.wmf set_timescales.wmf set_values.wmf set_wtopt.wmf summary.wmf wmf_methods |
Wavelet phasor mean field | wpmf |
Basic methods for the 'wpmf' class | get_dat.wpmf get_signif.wpmf get_times.wpmf get_timescales.wpmf get_values.wpmf get_wtopt.wpmf print.wpmf set_dat.wpmf set_signif.wpmf set_times.wpmf set_timescales.wpmf set_values.wpmf set_wtopt.wpmf summary.wpmf wpmf_methods |
Computes the wavelet transform of a timeseries. Also the creator function for the 'wt' class. | wt |
Basic methods for the 'wt' class | get_dat.wt get_times.wt get_timescales.wt get_values.wt get_wtopt.wt print.wt set_dat.wt set_times.wt set_timescales.wt set_values.wt set_wtopt.wt summary.wt wt_methods |