Package: wsyn 1.0.4

wsyn: Wavelet Approaches to Studies of Synchrony in Ecology and Other Fields

Tools for a wavelet-based approach to analyzing spatial synchrony, principally in ecological data. Some tools will be useful for studying community synchrony. See, for instance, Sheppard et al (2016) <doi:10.1038/NCLIMATE2991>, Sheppard et al (2017) <doi:10.1051/epjnbp/2017000>, Sheppard et al (2019) <doi:10.1371/journal.pcbi.1006744>.

Authors:Daniel C. Reuman [aut, cre], Thomas L. Anderson [aut], Jonathan A. Walter [aut], Lei Zhao [aut], Lawrence W. Sheppard [aut]

wsyn.pdf |wsyn.html
wsyn/json (API)

# Install 'wsyn' in R:
install.packages('wsyn', repos = c('', ''))

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Wavelet approaches to synchrony (wsyn) package vignette

Rendered fromwsynvignette.Rmdusingknitr::rmarkdownon Mar 31 2025.

Last update: 2022-05-09
Started: 2018-06-26

Readme and manuals

Help Manual

Help pageTopics
Adds rank information to a 'coh' or 'wlmtest' objectaddranks
Adds wavelet mean field information to a 'clust' objectaddwmfs
Adds wavelet phasor mean field information to a 'clust' objectaddwpmfs
Aggregate significance across a timescale bandbandtest bandtest.coh bandtest.default bandtest.wlmtest
The one-parameter family of Box-Cox transformationsbctrans
Clean (spatio)temporal data matrices to make them ready for analyses using the 'wsyn' packagecleandat
Community structure detection in networkscluseigen
Detection and description of clusters of synchronous locationsclust
Basic methods for the 'clust' classclust_methods get_adj.clust get_clusters.clust get_coords.clust get_dat.clust get_methodspec.clust get_mns.clust get_modres.clust get_times.clust get_wmfs.clust get_wpmfs.clust print.clust set_adj.clust set_clusters.clust set_coords.clust set_dat.clust set_methodspecs.clust set_mns.clust set_modres.clust set_times.clust set_wmfs.clust set_wpmfs.clust summary.clust
Basic methods for the 'coh' classcoh_methods get_bandp.coh get_coher.coh get_dat1.coh get_dat2.coh get_norm.coh get_ranks.coh get_sigmethod.coh get_signif.coh get_times.coh get_timescales.coh get_wtopt.coh print.coh set_bandp.coh set_coher.coh set_dat1.coh set_dat2.coh set_norm.coh set_ranks.coh set_sigmethod.coh set_signif.coh set_times.coh set_timescales.coh set_wtopt.coh summary.coh
Error check for appropriate spatio-temporal dataerrcheck_stdat
Error check 'times'errcheck_times
Error check for appropriate temporal dataerrcheck_tsdat
Error check whether inputs are suitable for a tts objecterrcheck_tts
Error check wavelet transform parameterserrcheck_wavparam
Fast algorithm for significance testing coherence using Fourier surrogatesfastcohtest
Surrogate time series using Fourier surrogatesfftsurrog
Tests if a graph is connectedis.connected
For converting certain synchrony matrices to unweighted versionsmakeunweighted
Mean phase of coherencemnphase
Modularity of a community structure of a graphmodularity
Normalization for the 'coh' functionnormforcoh
For plotting the magnitude of values in 'tts', 'coh' and 'wlmtest' objectsplotmag plotmag.coh plotmag.default plotmag.tts plotmag.wlmtest plotmag.wmf plotmag.wpmf plotmag.wt
Map clusters from a 'clust' objectplotmap
For plotting the phases of values in 'tts' and 'coh' objectsplotphase plotphase.coh plotphase.default plotphase.tts plotphase.wmf plotphase.wpmf plotphase.wt
Plots 'ranks' slot for 'coh' and 'wlmtest' objectsplotrank plotrank.coh plotrank.default plotrank.wlmtest
Power of a 'tts' objectpower power.tts
Predicted synchrony of a wavelet linear modelpredsync predsync.wlm
Print method for 'summary_wsyn' classprint.summary_wsyn
Set and get methods for classes in the 'wsyn' packageget_adj get_adj.default get_bandp get_bandp.default get_clusters get_clusters.default get_coefs get_coefs.default get_coher get_coher.default get_coords get_coords.default get_dat get_dat.default get_dat1 get_dat1.default get_dat2 get_dat2.default get_drop get_drop.default get_methodspec get_methodspec.default get_mns get_mns.default get_modres get_modres.default get_modval get_modval.default get_norm get_norm.default get_ranks get_ranks.default get_sigmethod get_sigmethod.default get_signif get_signif.default get_times get_times.default get_timescales get_timescales.default get_values get_values.default get_wlmobj get_wlmobj.default get_wmfs get_wmfs.default get_wpmfs get_wpmfs.default get_wtopt get_wtopt.default get_wts get_wts.default setget_methods set_adj set_adj.default set_bandp set_bandp.default set_clusters set_clusters.default set_coefs set_coefs.default set_coher set_coher.default set_coords set_coords.default set_dat set_dat.default set_dat1 set_dat1.default set_dat2 set_dat2.default set_drop set_drop.default set_methodspecs set_methodspecs.default set_mns set_mns.default set_modres set_modres.default set_modval set_modval.default set_norm set_norm.default set_ranks set_ranks.default set_sigmethod set_sigmethod.default set_signif set_signif.default set_times set_times.default set_timescales set_timescales.default set_values set_values.default set_wlmobj set_wlmobj.default set_wmfs set_wmfs.default set_wpmfs set_wpmfs.default set_wtopt set_wtopt.default set_wts set_wts.default
Shifts a vector according to the argument mintssetmints
Creates surrogate time series, either Fourier surrogates or amplitude adjusted Fourier surrogatessurrog
Amount of synchrony explained, and related quantitiessyncexpl syncexpl.wlm
Synchrony matricessynmat
Creator function for the 'tts' classtts
Basic methods for the 'tts' classget_times.tts get_timescales.tts get_values.tts print.tts set_times.tts set_timescales.tts set_values.tts summary.tts tts_methods
Creates an array of wavelet transforms from input timeserieswarray
Facilitates the computations in synmat for coherence and ReXWT methodswavmatwork
Wavelet linear modelswlm
Basic methods for the 'wlm' classget_coefs.wlm get_coher.wlm get_dat.wlm get_modval.wlm get_norm.wlm get_times.wlm get_timescales.wlm get_wtopt.wlm get_wts.wlm print.wlm set_coefs.wlm set_coher.wlm set_dat.wlm set_modval.wlm set_norm.wlm set_times.wlm set_timescales.wlm set_wtopt.wlm set_wts.wlm summary.wlm wlm_methods
Fits a wavelet linear modelwlmfit
Statistical comparison of wavelet linear modelswlmtest
Basic methods for the 'wlmtest' classget_bandp.wlmtest get_drop.wlmtest get_ranks.wlmtest get_signif.wlmtest get_wlmobj.wlmtest print.wlmtest set_bandp.wlmtest set_drop.wlmtest set_ranks.wlmtest set_signif.wlmtest set_wlmobj.wlmtest summary.wlmtest wlmtest_methods
Computes the wavelet mean field from a matrix of spatiotemporal data. Also the creator function for the 'wmf' class.wmf
Basic methods for the 'wmf' classget_dat.wmf get_times.wmf get_timescales.wmf get_values.wmf get_wtopt.wmf print.wmf set_dat.wmf set_times.wmf set_timescales.wmf set_values.wmf set_wtopt.wmf summary.wmf wmf_methods
Wavelet phasor mean fieldwpmf
Basic methods for the 'wpmf' classget_dat.wpmf get_signif.wpmf get_times.wpmf get_timescales.wpmf get_values.wpmf get_wtopt.wpmf print.wpmf set_dat.wpmf set_signif.wpmf set_times.wpmf set_timescales.wpmf set_values.wpmf set_wtopt.wpmf summary.wpmf wpmf_methods
Computes the wavelet transform of a timeseries. Also the creator function for the 'wt' class.wt
Basic methods for the 'wt' classget_dat.wt get_times.wt get_timescales.wt get_values.wt get_wtopt.wt print.wt set_dat.wt set_times.wt set_timescales.wt set_values.wt set_wtopt.wt summary.wt wt_methods